Care for the Family Parenting Course

Welcome Parents

We are excited to be able to bring the Care for the Family: Parentalk Primary Years to you via our Website. This course consists of six sessions, and we will be running one session a week with you. Care for the Family have provided a Parentalk Parents handbook, and you can access this handbook by clicking this link: PT Handbook We will also leave each session online for you to watch again.

We are aware that due to the Corona19, the interactive part of these sessions cannot be done face to face. However, you can contact us via email by clicking the link here: Methodist Email or through our Facebook page here Facebook We will happily get back to you with any questions that you may have. Also we are Parents of young children ourselves, and will be watching this course along with you.

Session 1: It’s Not Just Me

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: Have you found life more stressful since you have had children?

2: Is being a Parent what you expected it to be?


Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·        There are different stages in parenting – you’ll go through both ups and downs.

·        There are always pressures for parents, whether we work full-time, part-time, or stay at home.

·        Don’t compare yourself with other people, and don’t compare your children to other people’s children.

·        It’s O.K to ask for help; you don’t have to pretend to be the perfect parent.

·        There are added pressures for single parents; try to find people around you who can help.

·        In all the busyness of family life, don’t forget the many joys of parenting too.

Session 2: Love them and let them know

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: How would you describe unconditional love?

2: When can it be difficult to show our children that we love them?

Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·        All children are different and unique.

·        Giving positive attention is important in building self-esteem in children.

·        Children need their ‘emotional tank’ topped up.

·        Children need to know that they are lovable, valued, and safe.

·        We all have one of ‘the 5 love languages’ (Words, gifts, actions, time and touch). Which one does our child have? 

Session 3: It’s good to talk

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: Why do you think it’s important for parents to talk and listen to their children?

2: How can you find the right balance between listening and talking?  

Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·        Use positive and clear communication with children.

·        Listen to them when they are ready to talk.

·        Learn to listen well.

·        Recognise the importance and impact of what we say to our children.

·        Help children express their feelings.

·        Be intentional; create opportunities to talk – for example during a mealtime or bedtime.

Session 4: Boundaries and Battles

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: Why do you think that children need boundaries?

2: What are some of the things you were not allowed to do as a child?  

Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·        Children need the security of having boundaries.

·        Say what you mean and mean what you say.

·        Boundaries need to be fair, clearly communicated, and consistent.

·        Parents need to work together to establish boundaries, even if they have different parenting styles.

·        We need to be willing to say sorry and be forgiving. 

Session 5: Parenting with Elastic

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: How much freedom do you think Parents should give their children?

2: What kind of things do you let your children make decisions on? 


Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·     Keep our children safe without over-protecting them.

·     A parent’s role develops from control, to care, to counsel.

·     At each stage of a child’s life, parent’s need to learn to let them go a little.

·     Allow children the freedom to make some decisions for themselves.

·     Encourage children to make good choices by instilling values.

·     Remember that ultimately we are preparing our children to become adults.

Session 6: Creating a sense of belonging

Please have your remote control, or the pause button ready to pause the video when it asks you to. This will allow if you to discuss the questions with other people you are watching the videos with, if you feel you would like to do this.

Questions to consider as you watch the video

1: What fun things do you remember doing as a family when you were growing up?

2: Do you have your own family traditions? 

Tips and Advice from the Leaders Notes

·     Create memories that last a lifetime.

·     Recognise the importance of fun and laughter in family life.

·     Play is important in building relationships.

·     Having fun does not need to be expensive.

·     Prioritising time with your children is vital.