Circuit Holiday Club

Welcome to our online Holiday Club

On this page you can access the Holiday Club Videos as well as craft resources and questions. We hope that you have lots of fun and learn something new each day.

Monday 27th July 2020 

Theme: Jesus the Caller.


(Please click the link to download the activity ideas)

For the Younger Children click here Y.C. and for the Older Children click here O.C.

Day 1 Questions

1.     What was Tracy making in today’s drama?

2.     What did Tracy first use to try and make the daffodil?

3.     What were the name of the two brothers in the Bible story?

4.     What job did they do?

5.     What did Jesus rename Simon?

6.     Which mode of transport did Jesus borrow to talk to a large crowd?

7.     How many fish had Simon and Andrew caught in the night?

8.     How many did they catch when Jesus told them to lower the nets again?

9.     Which book of the Bible did today’s memory verse come from?

10.Can you say today’s memory verse?

Tuesday 28th July 2020

Theme: Jesus the Calmer.


(Please click the link to download the activity ideas)

For the Younger Children click here Y.C. and for the Older Children click here O.C.


Day 2 Questions

1.     What did the teams have to make in today’s challenge?

2.     What was getting Maureen frustrated in today’s episode of Gill’s Gang?

3.     What test was Maureen studying for?

4.     What body of water was Jesus and his disciples crossing in the boat?

5.     What was Jesus doing as the boat sailed across and the storm came?

6.     What did the disciples say to Jesus when they woke him up?

7.     What did Jesus say back to them?

8.     How did Jesus stop the storm?

9.     What book was today’s bible memory verse from?

10.Can you say today’s memory verse?

Wednesday 29th July 2020

Theme: Jesus the friend to all.


(Please click the link to download the activity ideas)

For the Younger Children click here Y.C. and for the Older Children click here O.C.

Day 3 Questions

1.     What was the height of the winning tower in today’s challenge?

2.     In today’s drama, what nickname did Lyn have from her past?

3.     What new nickname did Gill give her?

4.     What job did Zacchaeus have?

5.     Why did people hate tax collectors?

6.     Where did Zacchaeus live?

7.     How did Zacchaeus see Jesus?

8.     What did Jesus say to Zacchaeus when he saw him in the tree?

9.     Did Zacchaeus promise to change his ways after speaking with Jesus?

10.Which book and verse did today’s memory verse come from?

Thursday 30th July 2020

Theme: Jesus the Miracle Maker.


(Please click the link to download the activity ideas)

For the Younger Children click here Y.C. and for the Older Children click here O.C.

Day 4 Questions

1.     What food items did both teams have to use in today’s challenge?

2.     Instead of chocolate spread, what had Steph used on her cake in today’s drama?

3.     Who had eaten the scones Steph had made?

4.     How did Gill say she would help?

5.     How many were in the crowd Jesus spoke to?

6.     Who did Jesus ask where can we buy bread from to feed the crowd?

7.     What food did the young boy have and how much of each did he have?

8.     How many baskets of leftover food were there?

9.     What book of the Bible did today’s memory verse come from?

10.Can you remember and say today’s memory verse?

Friday 31st July 2020

Theme: Jesus the Hero. 


(Please click the link to download the activity ideas)

For the Younger Children click here Y.C. and for the Older Children click here O.C.

Day 5 Questions

1.     What was the name of the new superhero the teams had to create in today’s challenge?

2.     Can you name all the members of Gill’s gang who she has helped this week?

3.     Who did not like what Jesus was doing?

4.     Which disciple agreed to betray Jesus?

5.     What was the name of the Roman ruler?

6.     What was the crown made from that the soldiers put on his head?

7.     What happened at noon when Jesus was on the cross?

8.     What did the women discover when they went to tend to His body?

9.     Who told the women that Jesus was alive?

10. Which book from the Bible was today’s memory verse in?  Can you say it?

You can access the Quiz Answers here: QA